Varsity football kicks off Friday night at Decatur St. Teresa. Go Vikings!
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Season opener this Friday!
Homecoming week kicks off on Sunday, September 9th! The high school students will have a wide variety of activities happening throughout the week. The event that impacts elementary students, middle school students and the entire community is the Homecoming parade and pep rally on Thursday, September 13th. The parade will start from Dooley Park and head north on Lincoln. Groups interested in participating in the parade may contact Shari Riley at Line-up for the parade will start at 5:30 and the parade will commence at 6:00. Entries for the parade will line up in Dooley Park (lining up double wide) or on Lincoln St. heading north. The parade will end in the front middle school parking lot. We are asking, that for the safety of all involved, ALL parade entries wait until they reach the front MS parking lot to unload or disperse. This is not only for the safety of our participants but also to help with traffic congestion. We are also asking to please only park in the unit office, high school or middle school (not the front) parking lots. Please no parking on the sides of the roads at the high school, baseball field or leading to the middle school. Floats and other parade entries will need to be able to get through those narrow roads. Immediately following the parade is the Battle of the Bands held in the high school commons. We will end the evening with a pep rally in the high school gym.
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Attention Parents of 2018 Graduates! Your student may not be at Tri-Valley any longer but their yearbook sure is! If you ordered a yearbook last year for your student, you may pick them up at anytime during the school day. Only former students or family members of students (mom, dad, brother, etc) may pick up the yearbooks. They will never be given to friends (even family friends). Please contact Rachel Angus ( with questions!
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Phase 1 of Construction is complete! Viking seniors Matthew Kovich, Maggie Dew, and Caleb Stevenson are proud to show you around the new spaces at Tri-Valley High School. Here is a short video:
over 6 years ago, Ben Derges
Images of the new spaces at TVHS: Agriculture Lab
Art Room
Fitness Center
Industrial Tech Lab
It was an awesome first day at TVMS! We can’t wait to see what this year brings for all of our students. Go Vikings!
over 6 years ago, Brandi Maxedon
First day!
First day!
First day!
First day
What a wonderful first day of school! We haven't had many tears from the children or parents...I would say that is a great start! Thank you to the community, parents, staff members and the sports teams for the support given to our youngest Vikings!
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
1st Day of School
1st Day of School
1st day of school
1st day of school
Day 1 at TVHS! The Connections Picnic in the afternoon was an awesome start to the year! All HS students are invited to the Sock Hop tonight all well. Admission is a pair of new socks to be donated to local shelters. Thank you Tri-Valley Renaissance team for the fun kick-off!
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
StuCo VP Caleb Stevenson speaking to his constituents
Connections Picnic
The fourth grade staff is excited to welcome their new students and parents tonight. Open house starts at 5:00 and will end at 6:30.
over 6 years ago, Brandi Maxedon
4th Grade Team
Our teachers are back for a new year!!! Our message..... 1) RELATIONSHIPS define success! 2) Focus on the CHILD in front of you! 3) We ARE what WE celebrate. 4) We ALL have the ability to CREATE a culture. 5) We have the POWER to make an IMPACT! 6) We are a FAMILY!
over 6 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Teachers are back....
A rendering of the proposed view from the football field toward the new concessions, gym, and auditorium areas at Tri-Valley High School. The “Viking Vision” is becoming a reality! More information is coming....phase one is almost complete! New parking, fitness area, shop, agriculture, and art will be open next week.
over 6 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Concessions area
If you have not completed online registration, please take time to get it completed today! School starts in only a week!! Directions can be found on our website
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
TVHS Marching Band! Way to go!
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
TVHS students did a great job at Marching Band Preview Night!  They learned the whole show during band camp this week!  Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Marcotte, their awesome staff, and the many parent volunteers who helped make this a success!
Check out our crew sporting new matching Donnie shirts! Donnie Givens and the maintenance staff have been working hard to get ready for opening day. Don't they look great?? #vikingstv3
over 6 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Donnie Picture
If you haven't registered your child yet for this upcoming school year the deadline is quickly approaching. To start school you will need to complete the online registration. Thank you
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
The elementary class lists are posted!!! Come to school and check out the lists for the upcoming school year.
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Class lists
​The Deadline to register you students is approaching. Tri-Valley schools utilize an online school registration process. Absolutely EVERY STUDENT must be registered by a parent or guardian through our online portal. Login to Skyward Family Access and you can complete the process, please turn off any pop up blocker on your browser!!! This will disable links during registration! If you do not have a family access log in, or are new to the district this year you can stop by the unit office on the 23rd or 24th of July to get Skyward access. Please contact Mrs. Karen Ijams at for any additional information.
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
over 6 years ago, Josh White
Just a friendly reminder that fall sports are right around the corner. Please make sure to register on 8to18 ( and get your physicals turned in. Middle school softball begins July 23 and middle school baseball begins July 30. GO VIKINGS!
over 6 years ago, Middle School Athletics
Tri-Valley HS Annual Garage Sale for Charity We will start taking donations on July 5th from 8-3 at the elementary school gym (not the high school).  Please put your clean, usable items in the gym as neatly as possible.  Items that are not accepted: old televisions and big items that would not fit in an SUV.  The sale is July 14th from 8am-1pm.  Come out and shop!  All proceeds will be used to help families in need. If you would like to help set up, we will be working on Thursday (the 12th) and Friday (the 13th) from 12-3.  Contact Shari Riley at if you have any questions.  Thank you!
over 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
The VIB has gotten a MASSIVE upgrade! With these upgrades you can look for a more professional and state of the art streaming coming to you when school starts. Thanks to Tri-Valley and your donations to the VIB. If you want to donate to the VIB please visit our district webstore.
almost 7 years ago, Josh White
VIB Sound Board
4k Camera
Dell XPS