Board of Education Vacancy: We are seeking an individual to serve on our board of education to complete a 2 year term. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest, and resume to the unit office by July 12th. Candidates must reside in the TV district. This seat must be filled by someone outside of Old Town Township.
over 5 years ago, Tri-Valley
Skyward will be doing the summer updates this Saturday starting at 8AM and should be completed by 5PM. During this time you won't have access to the Skyward system for Tri-Valley. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Enjoy your summer!
over 5 years ago, Josh White
Here is the latest on this summer's construction work at the high school:
almost 6 years ago, Ben Derges
7th annual TV garage sale for charity will be held from 8a-1p on Sat, July 13th. In order for the sale to be a success, we need YOUR donations. We are accepting clean, usable clothing, books, household items, toys, holiday decorations and small furniture. Please, no old TVs! Items may be dropped off on Sat, July 6th 8-11, Sun, July 7th 12-3 and M-F (July 8-12) from 9-3 at the ES Gym.
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley CUSD
Look what just arrived today! It's our Chromebooks for our 1:1 initiative at the High School starting next year. Let me get them setup and I'll send out a detailed schedule explaining how to pick them up later this summer. Enjoy your summer!
almost 6 years ago, Josh White
Tri-Valley Golf Outing is NEXT WEEK! The Tri-Valley Educational Foundation Golf Outing is June 13. There are just are only a few carts left. REGISTER TODAY if you plan to attend. The outing raises money to support educational innovation each of the Tri-Valley schools. We invite you register on the webstore Thank you for your support.
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Are your kids already saying they are bored? We still have openings for Summer Mini Camps!! You may register for any of our remaining mini camps by following this link:
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
There is still time to register for the Youth Baseball Camp starting June 24. Sessions available for students going into K-8th grade. See details on the flyer.
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
flyer front
flyer back
7th annual TV garage sale for charity will be held from 8a-1p on Sat, July 13th. In order for the sale to be a success, we need YOUR donations. We are accepting clean, usable clothing, books, household items, toys, holiday decorations and small furniture. Please, no old TVs! Items may be dropped off on Sat, July 6th 8-11, Sun, July 7th 12-3 and M-F (July 8-12) from 9-3 at the ES Gym.
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Garage Sale
6th grade students Outdoor Education at Dawson Lake. The weather was beautiful, they learned a lot, and had a great time! Thank you to the station leaders and parent chaperones.
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Congratulations to TVHS senior Isabel Mata on being named by College Board to this year's National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP)! Each year, the NHRP recognizes about 7,000 Hispanic/Latino students in the US with the top PSAT scores and cumulative GPAs. Isabel will be attending the University of Illinois in the fall. Congrats Izzy!
almost 6 years ago, Ben Derges
Izzy Mata
The weather may not show it, but summer is almost here, which means it's time for Summer Camps! We have a fun summer planned for our campers. We still have openings.
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
2019 Football Apparel orders are available until 8:00am Monday, May 13. Order online at
almost 6 years ago, TV Athletics
football spirit wear
Baseball Senior Night - May 6th 4:25
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley CUSD
May 6 sr night
Today was a wonderful MUD Day! Great job to our young athletes! They are supporting and encouraging one another during Field Day. Wonderful job to Ms. Martin and Mrs. Farney for putting together another Field Day that our students will always remember.
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Sign up by May 8th for the Summer Youth Basketball Camp on June 10-12. Boys entering grades 3-5 will be from 8:30-10:30a and boys entering grades 6-8 will be from 10:30a-12:30p. Sign up on the attached form.
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Boys Basketball Camp
HS Boys Track at PBL (Paxton) has been cancelled today. The reschedule date has not yet been determined.
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Thanks to the PTO for sponsoring Dave Leake for TVES First Graders today! They learned all about what it takes to go to space.
almost 6 years ago, Jodi Petrilli
Astronaut Will
The Traveling Space suit presentation
Astronaut Will
May 1 is National Commitment Day so today our senior class wore shirts to show what they will be doing this fall. Whether it's college, working or serving in the military, we wish our Class of 2019 graduates the best of luck!
almost 6 years ago, Ben Derges
College Commitment Day
Last chance to get your Viking Night ticket for this Friday, May 3. We are down to our last 10 tickets! Don't miss out on a chance to win $5000 and the opportunity to bid on our great silent and live auction items! Tickets can be purchased at
almost 6 years ago, Tri-Valley
Viking Night