The TV Speech team ended their season at the IHSA Regional Tournament held at U-High on Saturday, Feb 8, 2020. Seth Coughlin competed in Impromptu Speaking and Kaitlyn Jones competed in Humorous Interpretation. Joelle Roberts advanced to finals and placed 6th overall in Dramatic Interpretation. Kaitlyn Jones and Anthony Decker advanced in Humorous Duet Acting and placed 5th overall. Over the course of the year our team competed from Nov. 2, 2019 until Feb. 8, 2020. The 2019-2020 team members were: Jenna Jensen and Charlotte Watson- Dramatic Duet acting; Joelle Roberts, Molly Klessig- Dramatic Interpretation; Charlotte Watson- Extemporaneous Speaking; Kaitlyn Jones and Anthony Decker, Ella Wargo and Lizzie Shepard- Humorous Duet Acting; Kaitlyn Jones- Humorous Interpretation; Seth Coughlin- Impromptu Speaking; Emma Mast, Grace Shoaff- Informative Speaking. Great job to everyone this year! I am very proud of every person on this team!

Thank you Mrs. Myers and the high school students on the Innovation Committee for creating a magical Father/Daughter dance for the elementary students. Special memories were certainly created tonight!

It's that time of year! Join us for lots of fun at the PTO carnival, March 7 from 2-5. All the money raised goes to the PTO to help our teachers and students! Purchase via the TV Website - just Click Menu/For Parents/Event Tickets & Fundraisers

It's not too late to create an eWallet account for your kids shopping the book fair on Wednesday!

You're invited to this year's Mr. Viking, "The Vi-King of Hearts" Pageant on Sun, Feb 9 at 4:00p. Tickets are $5 per person and can be purchased at the door beginning at 3:30p at the High School. Proceeds benefit the Sophomore/Junior classes and the winner's charity of choice.

The elementary Book Fair opens Monday, and the class shopping day is approaching fast! Sign up here to volunteer next Wednesday: bit.ly/tvesbf220

Another strong showing from the Tri-Valley Speech team in Heyworth on Saturday, February 1st. Kaitlyn Jones placed 4th in JV Humorous Interpretation, Kaitlyn Jones and Anthony Decker placed 4th in JV Humorous Duet Acting and Joelle Roberts placed 2nd in JV Dramatic Interpretation. Great job to all and onto Regionals this weekend!!

TWIN PINS! 8th graders Caden Hadfield and Jacob Bischoff simultaneously place their opponents in cradles en route to getting pins. The wrestlers defeated both Clinton and Ridgeview Tuesday night.

The 7th Graders displayed their History Fair Projects at TVMS tonight. Each year students find new topics to research. Thank you to everyone that visited tonight.

Congratulations to this months Leader In Me students!

High School Honor Roll for the first semester has been posted on our school webpage (www.tri-valley3.org). Click on "Documents" in the Menu tab. It will be in the High School folder. Congrats to all of the students with outstanding grades!

We need YOU to help our bookfair run smoothly! If you can help on Wednesday, February 12th, please sign up here: bit.ly/tvesbf220

Don't forget to purchase your TVHS yearbook! Follow the link below to place your order or contact Rachel Angus (rangus@tri-valley3.org) for details.

Don't forget to purchase your TVHS yearbook! Follow the link below to place your order or contact Rachel Angus (rangus@tri-valley3.org) for details.

Sophomore and Junior Parents-
We would like to ask your help this coming week. Next Saturday and Sunday the Tri-Valley Sophomores and Juniors will be holding both the “Father Daughter Dance” as well as “The Mr. Viking King of Hearts.” We are looking for donations of peanut/tree nut free cookies and brownies. We are also looking for mini 8oz. bottles of water to help with our event. If you are willing to make or purchase cookies, brownies or buy small bottles of water we will be taking donations in the Tri-Valley High School Office next Thursday (Feb. 6th) and Friday (Feb. 7th) from 8am-4pm. We will also take donations on Saturday morning (Feb. 8th) from 9am-10am. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide to make these two events a success!!
Kelsey Leake (Sophomore Class Sponsor)
Kristin Myers (Junior Class Sponsor)

Check these out! Our very own Thomas Whitehouse designed, printed, and packaged these beautiful Valentines Day cards. They are available for purchase at 715 Jewelry (formerly By the Lake Designs) in Downs, IL

It's Winter Spirit Week at TVHS! Different dress & 9th period activities each day. The class with the most participation wins a pizza party!
Monday: Pajama Day & Home Girls Bball v Dee-Mack Twin/Triplet Tuesday
Western Wednesday
Thursday: Jersey Day
Friday: Blue & Gold Day & Home Boys Bball v Lexington
with a free Sock Hop dance following the game.
Time to show your school spirit! Go Vikings!

8 members of the TV Speech Team slid into Eureka for the Saturday Morning Live Tournament on January 18. Emma Mast (Informational Speaking), Molly Klessig (Dramatic Interpretation), Ella Wargo and Lizzie Shepard (Humorous Duet Acting) competed. Seth Coughlin (Improvisational Speaking) placed 5th in Junior Varsity; Kaitlyn Jones (Humorous Interpretation) placed 2nd in Junior Varsity; Joelle Roberts (Dramatic Interpretation) placed 3rd in Varsity; Kaitlyn Jones and Anthony Decker (Humorous Duet Acting) won 1st place Varsity! Congratulations to all for a great day!!!
Rebecca Marcotte
Vocal Instructor
Tri-Valley CUSD #3
503 E. Washington St.
Downs, Il 61736

Below is a video update from Dr. Mouser and Mr. Derges showing the updates on the High School renovation.

Our Board of Education approved next year's school calendar. You can find the calendar below.