We’ve begun construction in the high school classrooms. We will use this time to get ahead on the construction schedule for our students in the fall. The calendar for next year remains the same....we will not move up the first day of school. See calendar on our website at www.tri-valley3.org or on our app.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
National Honor Society New Members! Congratulations to the newest members of the Tri-Valley National Honor Society! Madison Christianson, Andrew Dardis, Anthony Decker, Ben Dischert, Davis Donovan, Paige Fitzgerald, Molly Forbes, Jacey Goff, Heather Guelde, Sydney Haase, Gabby Irwin, George Isaacs, Elliot Johnson, Taylor Jones, Adam Knox, Emily Knox, Ayden Kurtyak, Taylor LaFond, Alex Markwell, Grace Martin, Luke Myszka, Addison Ritchie, Mila Sakinis, Isaiah Streitmatter, Zach Thomas, Katie Traugott, Riley Watson and Ashley Witte
almost 5 years ago, Tri-Valley CUSD
Governor Pritzker just announced that Remote Learning will be extended for the remainder of this school year. A letter regarding the announcement can be found here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GuBZsqpI7SvQo1H-4_Ty03Y2zBSvzll6v19pyfyS88s/edit?usp=sharing.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
A trend is building among Illinois high schools during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine known as Lights for the Fight. Schools are turning on their athletic field lights from 8:00 PM to 8:20 PM each Friday night throughout the quarantine as a sign of support for their senior student-athletes, as well as for all the healthcare workers, first responders, and all other essential workers on the frontlines of the pandemic. Tri-Valley High School will have the lights on at the football field on Friday's in support of this cause. Thanks, Tri-Valley Administration
almost 5 years ago, Josh White
The Tri-Valley Greenhouse will open and practice social distancing on Saturday, April 25 and Saturday, May 2 from 8A-3P. We accept checks and cash. Unfortunately, we will not have students available this year. Each individual attending needs to select a shopping time slot by clicking the link. https://signup.com/go/CWXZwTR
almost 5 years ago, Tri-Valley
TV Greenhouse
Just because we're not at school doesn't mean there's not a lot worth celebrating! The HS Yearbook staff is still hard at work to create an amazing and unique yearbook! Follow the link below to start your order. Orders are due May 29th. http://jostensyearbooks.com?REF=A01756500
almost 5 years ago, Rachel Angus
The April 15, 2020 meeting of the Board of Education will be held as a virtual meeting consistent with the Governor's Executive Order. Anyone wishing to make public comment can email Karen Ijams kijams@tri-valley3.org and your comment will be read into the public record as a part of the meeting. The meeting will still be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday April 15, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, Tri-Valley
Happy Easter. Reminder, no remote learning Monday or Tuesday. However, lunches will be provided for kids that need them Mon-Fri. Fill out this form and you’re good for the entire week. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdS_Mf76Y5WumLd2JSd_Z7YTWxh6017kUNakKpXi1yLBcy29g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1. Delivery on Monday and Wednesday.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Happy Easter!
almost 5 years ago, Middle School Athletics
Hello fabulous fifth graders! Your teachers miss you! Thank you for all your hard work during remote learning! #togetherTV3
almost 5 years ago, Fifth Grade Team
5th Grade Team
almost 5 years ago, Josh White
almost 5 years ago, Josh White
Q-Camp session 2 is now on the Tri-Valley Lady Vikings Basketball Facebook Page. It’s a beautiful day, go to virtual church, and then play some basketball. GO VIKINGS! https://www.facebook.com/104766311186059/posts/108317447497612/?vh=e&d=n
almost 5 years ago, Middle School Athletics
Tri-Valley Lady Viking Basketball releases session 1 of "Q-Camp". A virtual basketball skills camp to help players work on fundamental skills of basketball while sheltering at home due to COVID19. And if you've got mad basketball skills, post a video of yourself showing off your skills on our facebook page. Q CAMP SESSION 1 LADY VIKING BASKETBALL FACEBOOK PAGE
almost 5 years ago, Middle School Athletics
The State has announced today that our school building closure has been extended through April 30th. Though we are disappointed we won't be together in person sooner, we will #keeplearning #togetherTV3. Remote learning will continue though April. More information to follow...
almost 5 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Remote learning starts up again tomorrow (March 31st). Please check e-mail for a message regarding remote learning days (just sent). Also, please check assignments daily via e-mail and on www.tri-valley3.org menu/digital days. We've got this! #togetherTV3
almost 5 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
If you saw the Governor's address, it was announced that schools would be out until at least April 8th. We're proud of our community! E-learning, 1000 meals served, positive attitudes everywhere! We will adapt, overcome, and provide for our students. Stay tuned! #togetherTV3
almost 5 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
The elementary students are doing a great job this week on their E-Learning assignments! They were even able to listen to Mrs. Burnett read a special book today.
almost 5 years ago, Tri-Valley
Here's a brand new addition to the absolutely stunning new TVHS Auditorium! Delivered today and is everything we hoped it would be! Thank you FAB and our incredibly supportive community!
almost 5 years ago, Dan Marcotte
new piano
new piano