Reminder: Tomorrow we bring back ALL students 5 days a week. It is more important than ever that EVERYONE conducts daily symptom checks, and stays home if ill (or family member is ill or getting tested). We can do this together!
about 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Tri-Valley CUSD #3 will be IN SESSION today 1/26/21. We've been out all morning and while most roads are salted and improving, there are a a few rural roads that are still quite slick. Drive slow, proceed with caution, take your time, and be careful. Our busses may be a little late in some instances as we carefully move through our routes.
about 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Last night our board of education approved a recommendation to have ALL students return on February 1st. Students that chose remote learning for this 9 weeks will remain remote. However, those in 7th-12th grade that have been blended to this point will begin daily in person attendance on Monday, February 1st, 2021. Dismissal times will remain unchanged to allow our staff time to work with remote or quarantined students, and to provide additional planning time. A video outlining this decision and associated rationale can be found here I ask that ALL parents view the video to hear about updates, changes, and protocols moving forward. Go VIKINGS!!!!
about 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
We’ve had a great week back! Please help us by keeping children that are symptomatic home with all siblings. Also, if anyone in the home is being tested due to suspicion of COVID, please keep everyone home pending results. We need everyone on board! #togetherTV3
about 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Don't forget to order your 2020-2021 yearbook! Our priority is to create a yearbook that is memorable and positive (and unique)! Follow the link below to start your order. Contact if you have any questions.
about 4 years ago, Rachel Angus
Tri-Valley is ready to start school in person next week! We are happy to announce that the quarantine timeline has been shortened to 10 days. More information will be e-mailed to parents. If your child has been diagnosed with Covid-19 over break or is considered a close contact, please consider filling out this form to help us plan for the coming week or e-mail our nurses. We want to get off to a healthy start!! #togetherTV3
about 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Our school nurses Sarah Conroy and Angela McCrary just received the first dose of the Covid vaccine. There is light at the end of this tunnel! come the VIKINGS!! #togetherTV3
about 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Lunches are available to all enrolled Tri-Valley students while fully remote from January 5-8. Tuesday and Thursday will be the pickup/delivery days. Deliveries will leave at 11:00am and pick up is at the Middle School from 11:30am-12:00pm. If you would like to request a lunch for your child, please fill out the Google form ( Thank you for supporting the Tri-Valley food service department.
about 4 years ago, Tri-Valley
remote lunch menu Jan5-8
Happy New Year Viking Nation!
about 4 years ago, Middle School Athletics
New year
Merry Christmas Tri-Valley! May all your hopes and dreams come true!
about 4 years ago, Middle School Athletics
So....What's the plan for Tri-Valley next semester?? Dr. Mouser outlines the plan for January and beyond in this link Building specific information will follow.
about 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
The Tri-Valley Speech Team has been very busy this fall! We have “attended” 7 virtual tournaments that consist of both video submissions and live zoom competitions. Beginning in October with two early bird tournaments at University High School, the Tri-Valley team had Molly Klessig (HI) place 11th and Charlotte Watson (EXT) place 8th.The following weekend Lauren Christopher (INFO) and Seth Coughlin (IMP) both placed 4th, Kaitlyn Jones (HI)  placed 3rd and the Duo of Kaitlyn Jones and Anthony Decker placed 1st.  November brought 3 tournaments with Seth Coughlin placing 4th at one and 6th at another while Kaitlyn and Anthony’s duo placing 4th at all 3. The first meet of December was a gigantic accomplishment for our team! Charlotte Watson placed 3rd, the Duo of Kaitlyn Jones and Anthony Decker took 4th, Lauren Christopher and Kaitlyn Jones each brought home a 5th place and Seth placed 6th in JV. These placements awarded the Tri-Valley Speech Team with a 5th place overall in the limited entry division!!  We ended December with Charlotte placing 4th and our Duo (Kaitlyn and Anthony) placing 3rd. We have many meets to go with Regionals beginning in February.  These kids are working hard and really doing a great job.  If anyone would like to join our team- it is never too late.  Just email Mrs. Marcotte and we can discuss where you would like to participate. Great Job TV Speech Team-  I am very proud of you!!! 
over 4 years ago, Dan Marcotte
Here we come!!! Reminder: please have donations for the food pantry outside at 2:15. Our busses will head out soon!
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
The end of 2020 is worth celebrating! TVHS is going to send it out with Goodbye 2020! spirit days starting next week. HS students are encouraged to dress for the occasion each day. #togetherTV3.
over 4 years ago, Ben Derges
Goodbye 2020
Reminder: Downs Food Pantry Pick Up Tomorrow! As previously e-mailed, Tri-Valley busses will be collecting items for the Downs Food Pantry tomorrow (Thursday, December 10th) after school on our bus routes. Please have all items outside and ready at 2:15 pm. Some of our rural routes will be picking up items as students are dropped off, while some of our busses will be making a second pass between 2:30 and 3:00 pm. We look forward to stocking the food pantry for the Tri-Valley community #togetherTV3. See you tomorrow afternoon. Tri-Valley Administration
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
After talking with the Downs Food Pantry, Tri-Valley CUSD #3 has decided to once again run our busses to collect food and household items for those in need. It is important to recognize that our food pantry serves the ENTIRE Tri-Valley school district, and we want to help! Our amazing transportation department and bus drivers have agreed to run a 2nd afternoon route on Thursday, December 10th to collect goods for the food pantry. After all bus riders are dropped off at home, the busses will return to Tri-Valley, collect teacher and staff volunteers, and then head back out to collect as much as we can for our community in our empty busses. Please leave your donations at each bus stop, or at the end of your drive, and watch for our busses to return to gather all that we can. In fact, feel free to cheer us on (socially distanced and in masks of course). A few of our rural routes will receive additional information related to donations in the next few days. We look forward to stocking the Downs pantry for our Viking community, and we look forward to seeing you Thursday afternoon. Items requested by the food pantry have been e-mailed.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
We had a GREAT day back at school! Our transportation department is in a festive mood. Stay safe out there 👍 #togetherTV3
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Back in school today! Please complete the symptom self check. If anyone in your home is exhibiting symptoms, please keep kids home. We can’t wait to see students today. Go Vikings.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
Tri-Valley will resume in person instruction on Monday, December 7th as previously communicated. Though county wide Covid metrics continue to remain concerning, our local metrics have improved dramatically since our remote pause was announced. We are grateful for all of you that have reached out during our remote pause to report any Covid related exposures or illnesses. We ask you to continue to do so. An email has been sent to all Tri-Valley parents with additional information.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
The TVHS Yearbook Staff needs your help! We would love to feature how you remote learn! Please send us your pictures and complete this survey and you could have a chance to be featured in the yearbook!
over 4 years ago, Rachel Angus