Thursday, May 6, 2021, is Scoops of Thanks Day—a day when Culver’s restaurants come together to give back to their local agricultural communities. Wondering why you should celebrate this special day at participating Culver’s restaurants? Check out these five reasons.
almost 4 years ago, Tri-Valley
Senior 1:1 Technology Turn In We will begin accepting your device beginning on Monday, May 17 through Thursday, May 20. All devices must be turned in by 2:00PM on Thursday, May 20. 1:1 technology consists of the following 3 items: Chromebook Please remove any stickers you have placed on the outside or inside of the device Please leave the Tri-Valley Property sticker affixed on the back of the chromebook Chromebooks will be assessed by the IT staff for damage. An invoice will be emailed for damages, this will need to be paid prior to graduation. Charger Lost chargers will be assessed a replacement cost of $25 (cash or check) at the time of turn in. Case Lost cases will be assessed a replacement cost of $10 (cash or check) at the time of turn in.
almost 4 years ago, Josh White
Thanks to the AMAZING donations from Tri-Valley parents. Teacher Appreciation Week is off to a great start with some SWEET TREATS!
almost 4 years ago, Tri-Valley
Our elementary students learned about a different sport last week! They saw video of the US wheelchair basketball Paralympics Team & learned about member's college careers at U of I. Only 4 colleges have men and women's wheelchair basketball in the US and U of I is one!
almost 4 years ago, Tri-Valley Elementary
2nd grade learning about wheel chair basketball
Cedar and Audrey
Shooting practice
May 1 will begin a beautiful month of TV Fine Arts performances! Tonight will be the TVHS Jazz Band and Jazz Choir at 7 pm. May 14-16 will be the TVHS Theater performance of "Working". May 18 TVHS Chorus and Band Concert, Chorus at 6 pm and Band at 7:30. May 20 will be the TVMS Sixth Grade and Middle School Bands concert at 6:30 pm. May 24 will be 5-8th grade chorus concert, 5th Grade @ 5 pm, 6th Grade @ 5:45, 7-8th Grade @ 6:30. Seats are restricted to guests of the performers only.
almost 4 years ago, Dan Marcotte
HS band
Viking Youth Summer Basketball Camp register has begun! Girls Basketball is June 8, 9, 10 and Boys Basketball is June 14, 15, 16, 17. Go to Menu/For Parents/Event Tickets & Fundraisers for all the details and to register online. Flyers are also available in your school's office. GO VIKINGS!
almost 4 years ago, TV Athletics
Attention parents of students on buses: Tri-Valley buses will be running a few minutes late today. Buses needed to reroute due to a non-bus accident near the schools. They are now on their way!
almost 4 years ago, Ben Derges
CLASS OF 2021 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT - RACHEL ZACHOW Best of luck to you Rachel as you begin your next chapter at Eastern Illinois University. We are very proud of you! #viking4life
almost 4 years ago, Jamie Ward
rachel zachow
Skyward is up an running again. You can go in to complete your students' wellness screenings for the day. Thank you for your patience.
almost 4 years ago, Ben Derges
Good morning Tri-Valley! Skyward is down this morning. Please go ahead and send your students in to school if they have no covid symptoms this morning. We will send another update later once Skyward is available. Thank you! Go Vikings!
almost 4 years ago, Ben Derges
CLASS OF 2021 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT - HUNTER LUESING Best of luck to you Hunter as you begin your next chapter at Heartland Community College. We are very proud of you! #viking4life
almost 4 years ago, Jamie Ward
hunter luesing
CLASS OF 2021 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT - JAKE FATIMA Best of luck to you Jake as you begin your next chapter in the United States Marine Corps. We are very proud of you! #viking4life
almost 4 years ago, Jamie Ward
jake fatima
CLASS OF 2021 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT - MACY STICKLING Best of luck to you Macy as you begin your next chapter at Heartland Community College. We are very proud of you! #viking4life
almost 4 years ago, Jamie Ward
macy stickling
CLASS OF 2021 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT - NATALIE GARNEAU Best of luck to you Natalie as you begin your next chapter at Heartland Community College. We are very proud of you! #viking4life
almost 4 years ago, Jamie Ward
natalie garneau
Cyndi Wiggs Photography did a beautiful job taking traditional prom photos of our students as well as capturing the fun throughout the evening. Please enjoy them and feel free to download and print as many as you would like.
almost 4 years ago, Tri-Valley
Congratulations to the 2021 Prom Court: Zander Woodring, Zach Thomas, Ty Baxter, Josh Stewart, Alyssa Lauritsen, Lauren Christopher, Summer Sheley, Ali Carrol, Prom Queen Natalie Garneau and Prom King Billy McDermott
almost 4 years ago, Tri-Valley
We have updated our mobile app!!! If you don't already have our app please click on the link below Apple: Android:
almost 4 years ago, Josh White
zack morris
As a follow up, a negative PCR test (not rapid) is required for a return to school. Pediatricians can turn around results quickly. Have questions? E-mail our nurses. and Further info can also be found here
almost 4 years ago, Dr. David Mouser
At Tri-Valley our goals are to maintain access to in-person instruction, experience spring sports that were completely lost last year, have concerts, the high school musical, and an authentic graduation for our seniors and families. Please remember, if you do not feel well, the most important thing you can do if you do is stay home and get tested. The rapid Covid test is readily available for anyone symptomatic. It is really important to know, we see symptoms presenting like typical spring allergies (commonly scratchy throat, runny nose, congestion, or headache), as opposed to just fever, cough, or loss of sense of taste or smell. We can do this #togetherTV3!
almost 4 years ago, Tri-Valley
CLASS OF 2021 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT - BROOKE GAWLIK Best of luck to you Brooke as you begin your next chapter at Lindenwood University. We are very proud of you! #viking4life
almost 4 years ago, Jamie Ward
brooke gawlik